About me

I am Karen Plantinga, dietician and lifestyle coach and I have a great passion: being creative!

Years ago I worked for the hobby wholesaler Jonco/Plaid. I was allowed to travel to the major trade fairs in America, a true mecca for hobbyists. I look back on it with warm feelings. In 1995 I started Scrap4fun, one of the first online stores, and I provided workshops. At the age of 40 I was still allowed to become pregnant and I sold Scrap4fun.

My first daughter was born in 2008 and the second quickly followed in 2009. I am originally a dietitian and, with the arrival of Suzanne, I left the hobby and started my dietitian practice. As the ladies grew up, I had time to pursue my passion again.

And well, blood flows where it can't go. And so I set up a creative center in Almere. Here I give workshops in various areas. This could be by myself or by another teacher. I have further retrained as a creative therapist, so that I can also guide people in a different way. From my practical experience, I see that creativity can help to tackle major problems and even make it clear where your next step lies. I am happy to guide that process.

In the creative space you can learn and try out new techniques. I have an online store for materials and you can also physically come and see if there is anything for you in the items I sell. Some of it can be found in my online store. Feel free to drop by. The coffee and tea are of course ready.

Check the website to see if there is a fun workshop you would like to attend, or come and enjoy a day of cropping. Maybe you are stuck in a different way and I can help you with all my acquired knowledge, practical experience and creativity, check my other website Health4you2.nl .

Hope to see you again,
Karen Plantinga